Kwun Bhansali Lazarus LLP

We emphasize results, value and diversity to solve the problems our clients face in their most challenging litigation and trials. We have assembled a team of experienced courtroom advocates who have a strong understanding of the legal, business, and technological environments in which our clients operate. Our team takes a hands on approach to every aspect of a case, whether it’s writing the first draft of a key brief, giving a closing argument at a trial, or supervising a document review to make sure it’s handled efficiently and without undue expenditure of resources. To achieve value, we structure our teams around the client’s objectives to emphasize the key parts of the case that will achieve our client’s goals, while using cost-effective ways to handle routine tasks. We do not accept the proposition that excellence and value in legal representation are trade-offs. Instead, we jettisoned the traditional law-firm leverage model, and built a practice aligned with our clients’ desire for efficient representation. We’re proud to have assembled a group of lawyers who are representative of the diversity of our clients and community, and we’ve pledged to build upon that diversity in our hiring.